
Product overview

The eIES© and laRET© are executed by The Company’s leadership. MESY is that general enterprise for project and contracting party for the customer. Thus, the customer has a contracting party for the total system. The Company is the interface between the market and partner firms (group), and within these relationships, have built-in contingency planning.

All products are on request. All products are project based solutions.




Product marking logo LARETThe laRET© System is stationary. It is a industry plant. The transformer array is seperated into scalable cluster. This system is economic useable above 5 MW input power.

Main product elements:

  • Input power connection and transformation
  • Power management
  • Energy transformers organized into clusters
  • Gas buffer (on-plant storing units)
  • Headend, connecting the transformer to a pipeline facility



Product marking logo EIESThe eIES© System is transportable. It is a container solution, stackable. It contains hydrogen production, automatic filling of tanks into 10 parallel slots, transportable tanks, seperate discharge stations. Includes energy planing for filling, storing and distribution. Optional Vehicle-based Energy Harvesting. This system is economic useable above 0.8 MW input power.

Main product elements:

  • Power transformation and auto filling station
  • Power Packs gas storing units, called POP
  • Independent Discharge units for POP's (4, 8, 10 slots)
    • Optional: Post-compression up to 750 bar
  • Optional: Satellite off-road navigation and power production calculation (called OEHF, Optimal Energy Harvesting Facility)



The blueSKY© product line contains the following independent product elements. All elements are in development and are only available on request.

Main System Facilities:

blueSKY Energy-Distribution-System©

the System to transport the transformed energy to the customer

blueSKY Coal-Power-System©

reduce CO2 emission of fossil fuel power stations

blueSKY Gas-Power-System©

green energy for the industry

blueSKY rePowering©

transforme hydrogen and oxygen into electricity base on standard steam turbines.

transform hydrogen and oxygen into electricity base on standard natural gas turbines.

blueSKY hyEntrans©

Steam Power production and injection
Specification click here

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