
MESY© Innovation Center

I In future, the MESY Group will present a series of market innovations, and various developments related to these, in this section of our homepage. Please visit our subpages of this category from time to time.


Innovation priorities

Power-To-Gas is our name for a complex technological chain. One of these technologies involves the conversion of stored hydrogen gas into electricity. With our partner, H2Nitidor, we have developed and integrated new innovations into our Power-To-Gas concept within the overall structure of MESY©. Customers can rely on the highest level of technological competence in these new innovations.

The MESY IC (MESY Innovation Center) is created to have a technology bridge between fossil based power production and renewable power production. One of the significant developments will take place in the future in the field of RePowering. Here we see one of our priorities in innovations. A major new innovation is the economic RePowering. Based on MESY's new Highly Efficient Steam Generator (HESTEG) turbines can now be supplied directly. In combination with laRET, hydrogen gas pipeline and HESTEG a cost-favorable distribution of energy over hundreds of kilometers without high energy losses is possible.

Our products laRET and eIES are well know products for transforming and storing green energy. With the new concepts for RePowering, we will conclude our technology chain and product offerings as a closed/consistent product concept for a global "Energiewende".

Another field is the distribution of energy generated by wind farms or photovoltaic farms. Today's concepts are based on the installation of high power lines. This technology is very expensive and very energy inefficient. The consequence is: there is an economic concept for the RePowering, the distribution of the transformed green energy can be much cheaper and more efficient than with standard high power lines.

To this end, we will develop new projects and technologies develop and test in various projects before we offer the technology as a product.


Contact us if you wish to participate in one of our projects.


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