
Plant movies of laRET system 

Example 50 MW connecting power


Content: laRET outdoor. 50 MW plant power-to-gas. Tour of the facility.

High quality downloads:

Video format: 16:9, 1280 x 720 pixel

File format: flv=laret_animation_video-sound_outdoor(16t9)

File format: avi=laret_animation_video-sound_outdoor(16t9)

Content: Inside laRET cluster 1. The EIES system internal. Tour of the facility.

High quality downloads:

Video format: 16:9, 1280 x 720 pixel

File format: flv=laret_animation_video-sound_indoor1(16t9)

File format: avi=laret_animation_video-sound_indoor1(16t9)


Content: Inside laRET cluster "n". Tour of the facility.

High quality downloads:

Video format: 16:9, 1280 x 720 pixel

File format: flv=laret_animation_video-sound_indoor2(16t9)

File format: avi=laret_animation_video-sound_indoor2(16t9)


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